Courses, Assessment & IQA Services
GA offers a range of course packages, assessment and IQA services to support centres. These services are available for selected qualifications.

Course, Assessment and IQA Package Options
The following packages are available for a range of GA qualifications. Speak to GA to find out which one is available to you.
Package 1: Teaching and learning materials
Do you have assessors and an IQA, but would like access high quality teaching and learning materials for your learners? GA can provide cutting edge, online courses. Our comprehensive courses include built-in assessment tasks, all pre-written and authorised for use. Centre staff will receive online access to mark and assess learners' work and provide feedback. Your IQAs will also have access to full assessment records, enabling you to conduct internal moderation as part of your IQA arrangements.
Package 2: Teaching and learning materials with IQA services
Do you have qualified assessors but need access to an IQA service? With this package, your learners and assessors can access GA’s comprehensive online course materials and built in assessment tasks, and GA provides an IQA service to ensure your centre maintains high standards and consistency in assessment decisions across all learners. This service helps reduce your internal administrative workload while offering the peace of mind that your assessment process is supported by expert moderation services from GA.
Package 3: The complete package
Are you looking for a complete package of online teaching and learning materials, assessment tasks, plus assessment and IQA services? GA provides online teaching and learning materials for learners, plus all associated assessment and IQA services. Using this service, your centre can offer courses and qualifications without investing in resources and staff, reducing your workload whilst still expanding your training offer!
Additional IQA services
Have everything you need to deliver to and assess your own students? If so, you can access our IQA service and receive comprehensive internal moderation of assessment decisions, with detailed feedback reports on assessment practices and regular quality monitoring of assessment decisions made by your own assessors. You'll also receive support with standardisation activities and complete documentation, maintaining continuous readiness for your external quality assurance visits.
QA and policy reviews
Our service includes policy reviews, document development, and QA support tailored to your centre's needs. We can help streamline your processes by reviewing and updating policies to reflect current requirements, developing new documentation that aligns with regulatory standards, and supporting your internal quality assurance activities. This professional support not only saves valuable staff time but also provides peace of mind that your centre's documentation and processes are robust and compliant.
CPD and bespoke training
Investing in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Bespoke Training ensures your centre staff maintain cutting-edge knowledge and skills while meeting regulatory requirements. Our tailored training programs address your specific needs and demonstrates your commitment to excellence to learners, auditors and regulators. Choose from sessions in Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Candidate Access, Mental Health Awareness of subject-specific CPD.
Which qualifications are covered by these services?
Full course packages are available for all Education & Training, Assessors, IQA and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) qualifications. Assessment and IQA services are available for selected other qualifications. To learn more about our IQA service or to discuss your requirements, get in touch today!