Information for Approved GA Centres

The GA Customer Support Team is dedicated to providing the best information, guidance and support to existing GA Approved Centres, on all aspects of delivery, assessment and quality assurance of qualifications and more…

Update Centre Details

All GA Approved Centres must ensure their details are kept up to date, so if any information about your senior management staff or those working directly with our qualifications and systems, or your organisation's/business details change, be sure to let us know as soon as possible using the form below.

Centre Approval Update Form

Apply for Qualification Approval

Approved Centres can apply to add additional GA qualification approvals to their offer totally free of charge. Download the application here.

Application for Qualification Approval Form

Add a Satellite Centre, Examination or Assessment Venue Approval

Approved Centres can apply to add a Satellite Centre, Examination Venue or Additional Assessment Venue Approval to their main centre approval. A Satellite Centre is a separate, permanent site where the main centre delivers GA qualifications. An Examination Venue is an additional venue or room within another venue, which may be hired by the main centre on a part-time or ad hoc basis, for the purposes of conducting controlled examinations only. An Additional Assessment Venue is similar to an Examination Venue but assessment may not include controlled examinations.

Application for Satellite Centre Approval Form
Application for Examination Venue Approval Form
Application for Additional Assessment Venue Approval Form

Useful Documents, Policies and Forms

GA’s policies and procedures cover an extensive range of topics and activities, relating to centres, learners, qualification development, assessment delivery, qualification award, and quality assurance arrangements. We also provide a variety of forms and additional documentation to support our Approved Centres.

Candidate Identity Checks
Invoicing and Fees Policy
Marketing and Advertising Qualifications
Whistleblowing Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I offer new or additional qualifications or exams at my centre?
What do I do if I have problems with using The Ark?
How do I apply for a replacement or amended certificate?
How do I make an appeal?
Where can I find my GA invoice?
Can my centre earn Direct Claims Status with Gatehouse Awards?
What are the rules on using the Gatehouse Awards logo?
What are the rules on using the Ofqual logo?
How much do Gatehouse Awards’ qualifications and services cost?
What do I do if I can’t contact an individual member of GA staff?
What if a candidate is absent on the day of their exam?
How do I contact my External Moderator or External Quality Assurer (EQA)?
What are the rules for centres on advertising courses leading to GA qualifications?
Can I deliver GA qualifications in a language other than English?

Still can’t find what you are looking for?
GA team are happy to help.

© Copyright 2025, Gatehouse Awards Limited - Registered No. 07298045 (England & Wales)
Registered Office: Queensgate House, 23 North Park Road, Harrogate, HG1 5PD