Qualifications in Looking After the Environment and Environmental Sustainability at Entry Level 3 and Level 1.

Who are these qualifications for?
These qualifications have been designed to provide a sound introduction to the basic principles of environmental sustainability. They are ideal qualifications for general education purposes. At Entry Level 3, learners will consider how they can recycle, reuse and repurpose items and materials and how this can contribute towards looking after the environment. At Level 1, learners will consider further elements of environmental protection such as the steps they can take to contribute towards combatting climate change, and how to recycle, reuse and repurpose in order to contribute towards environmental sustainability. These qualifications have been designed to support learners to progress onto further learning.
Qualification Approval for Existing Centres
I am already an approved GA centre and interested in adding these qualifications to my approval.
UK Centre Approval
I am not an approved centre and interested in offering these qualifications in the UK.
International Centre Approval
I am not an approved centre and interested in offering these qualifications outside of the UK.
About these qualifications
GA Entry Level Award in Looking After the Environment (Entry 3)
Ref: 603/2499/5 Age: 14+ GLH: 50 TQT: 60 Method of assessment: Portfolio
GA Level 1 Award in Environmental Sustainability
Ref: 603/2500/8 Age: 14+ GLH: 50 TQT: 60 Method of assessment: Portfolio