Protected Species: Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
A suite of qualifications at Level 3 in ecology, survey, mitigation and licensing relating to the protected species: badgers, bats, great crested newts, hazel dormice, reptiles and water voles.

Who are these Protected Species qualifications for?
These qualifications are ideal for candidates who wish to enhance their job prospects and gain the underpinning knowledge and understanding of a range of protected species in order to progress into a a successful career in ecology or related subject area. Learners will explore the ecology, conservation and legislation relating to badgers, bats, great crested newts, hazel dormice, reptiles or water voles. Learners will also develop their understanding of mitigation and surveying, alongside the different licencing requirements for working with these protected species. Candidates may choose to focus on one species per Level 3 Award-sized qualification. Alternatively, they may choose to study all six protected species in the Level 3 Diploma-sized qualification (COMING SOON).
Qualification Approval for Existing Centres
I am already an approved GA centre and interested in adding these qualifications to my approval.
UK Centre Approval
I am not an approved centre and interested in offering these qualifications in the UK.
International Centre Approval
I am not an approved centre and interested in offering these qualifications outside of the UK.
About these qualifications
GA Level 3 Award in Bat Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
QAN: 610/2756/X Age: 16+ GLH: 80 TQT: 120 hours Method of assessment: Portfolio of evidence
GA Level 3 Award in Great Crested Newt Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
QAN: 610/2752/2 Age: 16+ GLH: 80 TQT: 120 hours Method of assessment: Portfolio of evidence
GA Level 3 Award in Reptile Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
QAN: 610/2751/0 Age: 16+ GLH: 80 TQT: 120 hours Method of assessment: Portfolio of evidence
GA Level 3 Award in Water Vole Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
QAN: 610/2753/4 Age: 16+ GLH: 80 TQT: 120 hours Method of assessment: Portfolio of evidence
GA Level 3 Award in Hazel Dormouse Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
QAN: 610/2754/6 Age: 16+ GLH: 80 TQT: 120 hours Method of assessment: Portfolio of evidence
GA Level 3 Award in Badger Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing
QAN: 610/2755/8 Age: 16+ GLH: 80 TQT: 120 hours Method of assessment: Portfolio of evidence
GA Level 3 Diploma in Protected Species Ecology, Survey, Mitigation and Licensing